Saturday, July 23, 2011

Proof of hollandaise.

My niece likes to ask me to make food.  I have mastered the Giouvetsi.  I made "those green dippy vegetables" (artichokes)...but I had not made the Hollandaise Sauce.

I told her that I wasn't really partial to Hollandaise sauce, but she wanted it.  So I cooked some fresh asparagus one night and made Hollandaise sauce to top it.

My Hollandaise sauce was glorious, but the others decided they are not partial to it, either.  So, it will be my last Hollandaise Sauce.

I took this photo a good half hour after the sauce was made.  It was lovely and stayed together all saucily.

Please to oooh and aaaah at my one and only Hollandaise sauce.


  1. Looks yummy. You didn't at least get some Eggs Benedict out of it?

  2. Alas, no. We put it on asparagus. There really are better sauces out there.
